Democracies and their Historical Self-Perceptions

Current Projects

Stern and its History(s): Historical Roots, Themes, Actors and Transformations in the First Decades of the Federal Republic of Germany

about the project

Democracy and Gender: Conflicts over the Order of German Society in the 20th Century

about the project

The Federal Labor Court between Continuity and New Beginning after 1945

about the project

The Federal Constitutional Court after the National Socialist era

about the project

Cultures of Administration: The German Ministries of Interior between Continuity and Political System Dependence, 1919-1975

about the project

The Norwegian treason trials (Rettsoppgjør) after Second World War from the Perspective of Gender History

about the project

Transportation in Germany

about the project


A Political Biography of the Jurist of International Law Friedrich Grimm (1888-1959)

about the project

“Die Republikaner”, 1983-1994 – a Party between Conservatism, the New Right, and Right-Wing Extremism

about the project

From the Reichsbank to the Bundesbank: People, Generations, and Ideas between Tradition, Continuity, and New Beginnings (1920s to 1970s)

about the project

Biography of Hildegard Hamm-Brücher

about the project

German Federal Chancellary. Democracy and the Nazi Past

about the project

Democratic Culture and the Nazi Past. Policies, Personnel, Impact in Bavaria 1945-1975

about the project

Critical Online Collection of Michael Cardinal von Faulhaber’s Diaries (1911–1952)

about the edition

Spaces of Homelessness: Urban Experience and Identity Constructs of the Homeless between Welfare and Punishment, 1924-1974

about the project


The Weimar Republic: Germany between Tradition, Modernity, and National Socialism

about the project

Completed Projects

Continuities and new beginnings after National Socialism: The Federal Ministry of Health

about the project

The Past Nazi Involvement of Staff at the Federal Ministry for Atomic Issues / Ministry for Research, 1955-1972

about the project

Shelter or Place for Extradition? Catholic Youth Cultivation (Jugendpflege) and Child Welfare Services in Bavaria, 1918-1945

about the project

Karl Süßheim Bey (1878–1947): A Biography on Borders

about the project

Guardians of Order

about the project

The History of Divided Germany, 1945-1990

about the project

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