The GDR in the Helsinki Process, 1972-1985: Between Eastern Dependency, Closure to the West, and the Emigration Movement

Abgeschlossenes Projekt

Weitere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter:  

Dr. Anja Hanisch (ehemalige IfZ-Mitarbeiterin)


This subproject, carried out by Anja Hanisch, investigates the interdependencies between East German foreign and domestic policies resulting from the Helsinki Process. The study focuses both on the positions that the GDR took concerning the CSCE and its follow-up meetings between 1972 and 1985, as well as on the sudden rise in the numbers of East Germans applying for permission to emigrate. The study was published in spring 2012 as Volume 91 in the IfZ series Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte. Anja Hanisch received the Leibniz Association’s Young Researchers’ Award for the Social Sciences and the Humanities for the study.This subproject, carried out by Anja Hanisch, investigates the interdependencies between East German foreign and domestic policies resulting from the Helsinki Process. The study focuses both on the positions that the GDR took concerning the CSCE and its follow-up meetings between 1972 and 1985, as well as on the sudden rise in the numbers of East Germans applying for permission to emigrate. The study was published in spring 2012 as Volume 91 in the IfZ series Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte. Anja Hanisch received the Leibniz Association’s Young Researchers’ Award for the Social Sciences and the Humanities for the study.

Publications within the project

Anja Hanisch

Die DDR im KSZE-Prozess 1972 - 1985.

Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte

München 2012


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