
The work of the Leibniz Institute for Contemporary History is overseen by two central bodies – the Foundation’s Board and the Academic Advisory Board.

The Board of Trustees

In addition to the German Federal Government, the states of Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Brandenburg, and Saxony are all represented on the Board of Trustees. The members are appointed by the individual ministries and by the Conference of Ministers of Education. The Board of Trustees is responsible for major personnel decisions and appoints the Academic Advisory Board.

Members of the Board of Trustees

Scientific Advisory Board

The members of the Scientific Advisory Board are internationally renowned researchers appointed by the Board of Trustees. They work to uphold the high level of research at the Institute. The IfZ’s research program is planned in regular discussions with the board. The Scientific Advisory Board advises the Board of Trustees and the administration on fundamental questions concerning academic research and other activities. It regularly evaluates the academic achievements and the quality of the services offered by the Institute and reports to the Foundation Board.

Members of the Scientifiv Advisory Board



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