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"Zeitgeschichte im Gespräch"

The series Zeitgeschichte im Gespräch has been appearing since 2007. The volumes focus on the particular connection of contemporary history to the present, pursuing the need to understand today’s world with the specific perspective of the historical approach. The volumes of this series particularly seek to explore topics with a high level of current topicality and social relevance.

The series also follows a communicative approach, as a bridge between academic research and a wider readership with an interest in politics and history. The size of the volumes is therefore kept to a manageable level, as is their price. They provide space for topics and discussions that have yet to reach a conclusion, allow room for unusual theses and fresh perspectives, and tend to embrace new open issues rather than presenting (ostensibly) established findings.

The volumes of the series dispense with unnecessary academic jargon in order to be more accessible, while also keeping footnotes and the like to a minimum. The quality of their content, of course, always remains the highest priority. The manuscripts therefore undergo a multi-stage review process to ensure their academic and editorial quality in order to make both of these aims possible.

The series is edited by Bernhard Gotto, Michael Schwartz, and Sebastian Voigt with the support of Lilli Helmbold. Two or three volumes generally appear each year, both including shorter monographs and essays as well as edited collections.

The editors of Zeitgeschichte im Gespräch are happy to receive submissions and project proposals. See here for more information for authors.

You can contact the editors at zig-redaktion[at]ifz-muenchen.de.


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