Project Overview "Dissertations"

Rumors in Nazi Germany: Constructions and Contexts of Informal Communicatication (Felix Berge)

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Between ‘Auschwitz Rules' and ‘Never Again’ – Holocaust Representation in Metal (Elena Bös)

about the project

Europe in Search of Itself: The Reordering of the Post-Yugoslav Space and the Making of a Post-Cold War Order“ (Lukas Daub)

about the project 

Eine politische Biographie des Völkerrechtlers Friedrich Grimm (1888-1959) (Isabella Dill)

about the project (German)

“Die Republikaner”, 1983-1994 – a Party between Conservatism, the New Right, and Right-Wing Extremism (Moritz Fischer)

about the project

Envisaged Futures at the End of the Cold War: The National Self-Understanding in the German East-West Transformation Process, 1989-1995 (Helena Gand)

about the project

Crossing Borders and Re-ordering European Boundaries: Refugees from Yugoslavia in Germany and Austria (Bennet Groen)

about the project

Frauenbewegungen auf dem Land. Neue Partizipationskulturen in Bayern und in Nordrhein-Westfalen seit den 1960er Jahren (Sandra Holtrup)

Zum Projekt

The Norwegian Rettsoppgjør (Landssvikoppgjør) after the Second World War from the Perspective of Gender History (Christina Holzmann)

about the project


Von der Lampenstadt zur Oberbaumcity – Die sozioökonomische Entwicklung des Rudolfkiezes (Jonas Jung)

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High expectations and broken trust? Cultural relations between Germany and the Soviet Union/Russia during the transformation process (Susanne Maslanka)

about the project

The financial expert Karl Maria Hettlage (1902-1995) (Angela Müller)

about the project

Battle of the Whispers: Government Control and Subversive Employment of Political Rumor in Occupied France (1940-44) (Manuel Mork)

about the project

Humour, Rumours and Other Indirect Informal Ways of Communication During the Holocaust in Poland (Izabela Paszko)

about the project

Bruno Heck (1917-1989): a political biography (Josefine Preißler)

about the project

The Death of Communities – World War II and the Holocaust in Zhytomyr (Tobias Wals)

about the project

Urban Authenticity: Altstadtfreunde and Urban Planning in Nuremberg (Julia Ziegler)

about the project

Ökologische Konservatismen. Bundesrepublikanische Denkstile seit den 1970er Jahren (Maximilian Ringleb)

Zum Projekt


Kooperation und Konfrontation: Bundesrepublik und DDR auf dem KSZE-Folgetreffen in Wien, 1986-1989 (Willi Schrenk)

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Deindustrialisierung und Geschlecht. Industriearbeit, Familienstrukturen und Geschlechteridentitäten zwischen Transformation und Persistenz (Helena Schwinghammer)

zum Projekt

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